Stage 1: Sponsorship

The employing business will need to apply for approval to be a business sponsor. If it is approved, the sponsorship is valid for five (5) years. The business can then nominate an unlimited number of positions. The business must demonstrate:

Stage 2: The Nomination

In the nomination stage, the employer makes an application to nominate a visa applicant to fill the nominated position. The job must be in an occupation listed on the Consolidated Skilled Occupation List (CSOL).

The employer must be able to show:

Stage 3: The Visa Application

In the final stage, the visa applicant needs to apply for their visa to work in Australia. The visa holder must work in a skilled occupation that has been approved by the Australian Government. The visa application will need to show that the applicant possesses the following:

The 457 Temporary Work visa is valid for up to four (4) years and the holder is only permitted to work for the sponsoring employer. If your sponsoring employer is a start-up business, the visa will only be valid for twelve (12) months. As part of the condition of granting the visa, it is subject to work restrictions.

Contact us for more information on your visa eligibility. Please call us at +61 413 910 985 or drop us an email at